With traditional implant dentistry, the dental implant hardware is given time to heal before the prosthetic is loaded onto the abutment. However, many patients dislike this option because it requires approximately three to twelve months for the final dental restoration to be completed. In cases where the implant will be done in the front of the mouth, the long wait is particularly concerning. Immediate implant placement, is a newer type of procedure that allows dental restorations to be completed much more quickly, greatly reducing a patient’s time-to-teeth. Immediate implant placement may be done when appropriate at the same time the natural tooth is removed. Immediate loading, also called immediate function, is the loading of a temporary dental restoration or crown into the implanted abutment directly after it is placed. In some cases, patients may be able to have a tooth removed and a temporary tooth placed in the same day.
Immediate Non-Occlusal Loading
In implant dentistry, there are two types of immediate loading: immediate occlusal loading and immediate non-occlusal loading. Immediate occlusal loading occurs when a dental implant is placed with adequate initial stability and the corresponding dental restoration features full centric occlusion in max intercuspation. This type of loading must be done within 48 hours of the placement of the dental implant hardware. The process of immediate occlusal loading is determined by the design of the dental prosthetic to eliminate the potential for micromotion at the implant site. Immediate non-occlusal loading occurs when a dental implant is placed with adequate initial stability but isn’t in functional occlusion. This type of loading is generally exclusively used for aesthetic-only dental implants or for short-term applications. Often, immediate non-occlusal loading is done to provide patients with a temporary tooth replacement while the dental implant hardware heals, especially when patients prefer not to use a removable prosthesis.
Immediate Occlusal Loading
Immediate occlusal loading refers to a clinical protocol for the placement and subsequent application of force on dental implants where there is either a fixed or removable restoration in occlusal contact with the opposing dentition. Immediate occlusal loading takes place during the same clinical visit in which the restoration was performed. Immediate occlusal loading allows the new implant, prosthesis, or restoration to come in contact with the opposing teeth directly following the procedure. Though studies have not shown a significant difference in the success or longevity between immediate occlusal loading and non-occlusal loading, a variety of factors can affect the overall life of the restoration. These factors are largely patient-based and include chewing habits, medical history, oral care and hygiene, clenching of the jaw, and injury. In some cases, component failure can also cause the restoration to fail as can an error on the part of the dental professional.
Immediate Placement
Immediate placement, or immediate implant placement, is the placement of a dental implant into the extraction socket immediately following the extraction procedure. This employs an opposite method than that of non-immediate or delayed placement where subsequent visits are scheduled for the insertion of the implant. Immediate placement is often preferred by patients since less time is required to achieve the end result, there are fewer surgeries needed, and costs may be lower due to fewer office visits. When performed correctly, immediate implant placement has the same success and longevity rates as delayed placement and has been found to preserve soft tissue and bone at the site of the implant. However, prior to selecting this placement method, a patient’s dental history and bone and tissue condition should be closely evaluated to ensure the proper conditions for immediate implant placement are met. Failure to do so prior to placement may result in the failure of the implant.
Immediate Provisionalization
Immediate provisionalization refers to a clinical protocol for the placement of an interim prosthesis, with or without occlusal contact with the opposing dentition, at the same clinical visit. Prior to the placement of an implant, extraction of the infected or damaged tooth is required. In the past, the patient has then been fitted with a removable prosthesis for the extraction site until the permanent implant is placed. However, the use of immediate provisionalization has been shown to have several benefits. This method not only aides in bone stabilization and the prevention of bone loss, but also has high rates of patient satisfaction. Following the extraction, an implant is immediately placed in the fresh extraction site and non-functionally loaded with an infra-occlusion provisional restoration. In addition to its bone stabilizing effects, immediate provisionalization has also been shown to reduce the treatment time required and provide patients with immediate social and psychological well-being.