
Neurapraxia is the name given to a mild nerve injury that has been caused by either compression or retraction. In neurapraxia, there is no violation of the nerve trunk and no axonal degeneration and spontaneous recovery of the motor and/or sensory functions most often occurs within one to four weeks from the time of injury. Neurapraxia in dentistry is commonly caused by an injury to the inferior alveolar nerve or to the lingual nerve and may occur due to several possibilities including third molar extractions, anesthetic injections, oral disease, and surgical, orthodontic, and endodontic treatments or procedures. Neurapraxia symptoms include numbness, loss of sensation, motor paralysis, and tingling. Though neurapraxia typically does not require any specific treatment, patients should report their symptoms to their practitioner for monitoring and follow-up. In some cases, additional imaging may be needed to ensure there is not another underlying cause for the neurapraxia that must be addressed to promote healing.